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Moji5 Knowledgebase

Allow to copy form design & behavior when use Reusable form pieces

M5 have provide the function to copy form design & behavior form old form to a new form by use Reusable form pieces.

How to allow to copy form behavior when use Reusable form pieces

Choose your any form that you want to copy. In this example, I've choose 'User Properties'.

Click Declare as Reusable Piece.

Name your reusable part then click Save changes.

Validate your reusable piece by clicking Settings, click Reusable Pieces.

Ensure your reusable piece registered here on the table.

Go to your application app, click Create a new form...

Name your form. Click Create form at the bottom page.

Click Form Design & Layout.

Click on Insert Reusable Template icon.

Click on your reusable piece (form that you want to copy). Ensure Include All Form Behavior is ticked. Click OK.

System will copy the form design and all the form behavior to your new form.



Publish your form by clicking Publish and return.

Click Generate now.

How it look in the form:


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