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Moji 5 Product Roadmap

DATE: 1 April 2022




We at the development of Rapidflows version 5, code name Moji 5, has the following listed as the next release features roadmap in high level description. These items are projected features without specific target date or quarter. These features also may or may not be actually available at the end of the roadmap.


ROADMAP 2022 - 2025


More options for Default Application Themes

With the new Moji 5, it is easier to apply responsive Theme to the apps. Since the first Moji 5 release, it comes with additional M5 Default Themes to choose from. With new version release, it is planned to include more variety of M5 Default Themes. Current options include M5 Brilliant Theme and M5 Top Menu Theme.


Entity Relationship Diagram Designer to Form

Using ERD in excel as a template, eForm creation can be in full automation, instead of building the form field by field.


Slider Field Type

Add on field type ‘Slider’ in the toolbox for better form UIUX. Slider works like radiobutton or dropdown where user can select a value from a range by sliding between the range value.


Authenticated Digital Signature

Incorporating Digital Signature into the eForm for user to sign on form. This digital signature is authenticated and legally verified. Moji5 is looking forward to working with ADOBE SIGN, DOCUSIGN or similar.


Live GPS Tracking

M5 Forms will be able to put in the GPS Live Tracking features. Once enabled, GPS coordinates will be captured into the form as a set of data. It can be viewed realtime or displayed later in a report or online map.


New Better Form Designer

Rapidflows is looking to change the entire form designer so form can be created with 100% interactive drag and drop, responsive sizing, field stacking, field resizing and 100% WYSWYG manner. 


Multi Load Balancer Support

Current Rapidflows support pair load balancing but looking forward to expand the capability of multiple application servers to load balance the portal and workflow engine.


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