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Moji5 Knowledgebase

Jun 4, 2021
Redirect to another page
Function to redirect your page to both internal and external URL. How to redirect to another page Create a new behavior. Put the...

Jun 4, 2021
SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL lets you access and manipulate databases. This function is to run SQL command such as...

Jun 4, 2021
Remove Item From Dropdown
A drop-down menu is a menu that offers a list of options. M5 provided a function to remove existing item from dropdown. How to remove...

Jun 4, 2021
Add item to dropdown
A drop-down menu is a menu that offers a list of options. M5 provided a function to add item to existing dropdown. How to add item to...

Jun 4, 2021
Generate Auto ID
Automatic identification (or ‘Auto ID’ for short), is the term used to describe the process of automatic data capture via a variety of...

Jun 4, 2021
Web Service
A web service is any piece of software that makes itself available over the internet and uses a standardized XML messaging system. XML is...

Jun 3, 2021
Get Upload Path
This Upload Path function allows you to get the path of user's file uploaded in the files folder neatly organized in subfolders. How to...

Mar 28, 2021
Usage of New DateTime in the Behavior
In this post, will be showing the enhancement for the new DateTime in the behavior. To assign a value to the DateTime field, need to put:...

Mar 16, 2021
New DateTime Field
M5 will be using a new datetime field which utilizes the HTML5 style rather than using the old Yahoo ui with the old datetime field in R4...
Mar 8, 2021
Calling Ajax Library from client
To call the Ajax library from external web api, will need to get the endpoint for the library Endpoint:
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